“Marc-E is a bit of an anomaly in the EDM/electronica world, as the only thing he really adheres to is not adhering to genre or beat structure. Over the course of his discography, Marc-E has covered pretty much every type of beat structure one can imagine, in fact, from house to psytrance to drone to halftime. Much more concerned with vibes, Marc-E is more interested in channeling the more spiritual aspects of music through what appears to be an experimental format. His work isn’t all woo-woo pan-flute either; he prefers to work with deeper, more earthy tones.”

“Marc-E is extremely talented at finding a rhythmic sway to music and then arranging other instruments around it to emphasize the flow of the music. There’s more here than you’d expect on first listen. Lights off, headphones on. Take the journey.”

“Marc-E has a definitive style of mixing and sampling sounds that bring the listener into the music” 

-The New Agora

Catharsis album reviews